Simply put, our mission at Cyber Train Online is to bring affordable fitness through the Internet to every home across the nation.
Our programs are streamlined and designed for all ages and all levels.
Our philosophy of caring for the health and well-being of the general population by offreing LIVE PERSONAL ONE-ON-ONE fitness programs meeting every person's specific needs will bring out a healthy new you!
Catch the Fitmann Fever!
Paul S. Manning, AFAA, CPR, AED. Certified Personal Trainer
Prior AFAA Certified Biggest Loser Pro
Mobile: (401) 301-5122
Melissa Kirdzik, MS, RD, LDN, CSSD. Registered Dietitian
Mobile (401) 619-0663
Certified Trainer Opportunities
Are you a Certified Personal Trainer? Our orientation program via Skype will explain the avaiable opporunities and get you started with the Manning Method Cyber Training Certification.
If you qualify, with a low monthly fee, you can join our site and begin Cyber Training clients all around the globe. Contact us for more details.

Paul Manning AFAA

Linda Manning, Program Director